Search Results - rae

İran Siyasetinin İç Yüzü Online

İran Siyasetinin İç Yüzüİran: Tehdit mi, Fırsat mı? ve Hasan Sabbah'tan Bugüne İran ve Terör kitaplarıyla alanda önemli bir boşluğu dolduran Bülent Keneş, İran Siyasetinin İç Yüzü adlı yeni kitabıyla İran siyasetini derinlemesine incelemeye devam ediyor:İran iç siyasetinde karar alma süreçlerinde etkin olan faktörler nelerdir, aktörler kimlerdir?1979 Devrimi sonrasında tesis...


Empire’s End: Aftermath (Star Wars) Supply

Empire's End: Aftermath (Star Wars) NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER · Following Star Wars: Aftermath and Star Wars: Life Debt, Chuck Wendig delivers the exhilarating conclusion to the New York Times bestselling trilogy set in the years between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens.EVERY END IS A NEW BEGINNING.As the final showdown between the New Republic and the Empire draws...


Pegasus: How a Spy in Your Pocket Threatens the End of Privacy, Dignity, and Democracy Supply

Pegasus: How a Spy in Your Pocket Threatens the End of Privacy, Dignity, and DemocracyPegasus is widely regarded as the most effective and sought-after cyber-surveillance system on the market. The system’s creator, the NSO Group, a private corporation headquartered in Israel, is not shy about proclaiming its ability to thwart...