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Deep Diving Seahorse Fashion

Deep Diving SeahorseSqueeze the bottle. The seahorse will sink to pick up the shells. Once released it will float up again. PlaySTEAM's ToGo science series products are specifically designed science gadgets that do not require any screwdriver, glue, or battery. Unbox, play and learn without hassle. This is the perfect travel...


7 Steps To Success In Deen & Dunya Online now

7 Steps To Success In Deen & Dunya This book will help you discover your purpose and your reason for being here in life. This book also will help you discover your passion, your flow, and your superpower, inshaAllah. Once you know your purpose and passion, the book will guide you...


The Journey of Two Seeds: Allah is Kadeer Fashion

The Journey of Two Seeds: Allah is KadeerThis book is the story of two seeds from a cracked apple became best friends and spent their time together. In the fall, the wind was strong; it was cold and rained almost every day. The seeds did not know what to do...


Textbooks: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Educational Resources

As students dive into their academic journey, textbooks become their faithful companions, helping them gain knowledge and excel in their studies. With countless options available, selecting the right textbooks can make a significant difference in a student's learning experience. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key aspects to...


Sheikh Hassan Al Thani: A Vision of Yemen Hot on Sale

Sheikh Hassan Al Thani: A Vision of YemenSheikh Hassan Al Thani is a tireless explorer of the history of southern Arabia. A curious observer who is well acquainted with his subject, he photographs the footprints of this civilization, while pondering the country's future. This work takes the reader progressively deeper...


Golgesizler on Sale

GolgesizlerHasan Ali Toptaş’ın –belki de– en çok okunan ve yayımlandığı tüm dillerde büyük bir şaşkınlık ve beğeniyle karşılanan romanı. Gölgesizler, bir kayboluşlar anlatısı; aniden kaybolmaların, beklenmedik dönüşlerin, ölümlü büyülerin, devlet nezdine düşen gölgelerimizin aynası. Tekrarların tekrarını okumamızı sağlayan karakalem bir güvercin; bir garip cinayet ve doğum hikâyesi. Ve kokusu burnumuzda tüten, cevabından...


Ergen Beyin Rehberi Online Hot Sale

Ergen Beyin RehberiBu kitap, bütün aile için hayat kurtarıcı olacaktır.”Dr. Deepak Chopra Bütün-Beyinli Çocuk kitabıyla ebeveyn-çocuk ilişkisine yeni bir bakış getiren ünlü nöropsikiyatrist yazar Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, bu kez ebeveynlere, çocuklarının hayatındaki en zorlu gelişim dönemlerinden olan ergenliği bir kazanım haline nasıl getirebileceklerini gösteriyor. Ergenliğin özü nedir?Ergenlikte beyin nasıl çalışır?Ergenlik zorluk...


How Democracies Die on Sale

How Democracies DieNEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • “Comprehensive, enlightening, and terrifyingly timely.”—The New York Times Book Review (Editors' Choice)WINNER OF THE GOLDSMITH BOOK PRIZE • SHORTLISTED FOR THE LIONEL GELBER PRIZE • NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The Washington Post • Time • Foreign Affairs • WBUR • PasteDonald Trump’s presidency has raised a question that...


The Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the Twenty-First Century’s Greatest Dilemma Online Hot Sale

The Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the Twenty-First Century's Greatest DilemmaNEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • An urgent warning of the unprecedented risks that AI and other fast-developing technologies pose to global order, and how we might contain them while we have the chance—from a co-founder of the pioneering artificial intelligence company DeepMind“A fascinating, well-written,...